
Case report writing simplified

CARE-writer is an online application that helps authors organize and format the information necessary to write systematic and transparent case reports while following the CARE guidelines. Case reports written with CARE-writer can be downloaded and submitted to preprint servers or scientific journals.

Using CARE-writer will help you:

Save time

CARE-writer streamlines the writing process by providing a writing template for the sections of a case report following the widely endorsed CARE guidelines. CARE-writer automatically creates a timeline for your case report from your visit summaries and a diagnostics table from numerical diagnostic test results. 

Publish your findings

CARE-writer makes it easy to create a shareable PDF of your case report, which can be uploaded to the SSRN case report preprint server or the OSF (Open Science Foundation) preprint server or submitted to a scientific journal.

 Contribute to improving healthcare

By reporting your findings on preprint servers using CARE-writer, you can showcase your results under your control and enable practitioners around the world to benefit from your knowledge.