Adding co-authors
CARE-writer automatically adds you as an author to each report you create, including your first and last name. If you log into CARE-writer using a Google account, your first and last name are automatically incorporated into your author profile. If you created your CARE-writer account with your email address and password, you will be prompted to enter your name when creating a new case. You can edit your profile information by selecting the profile icon, then “My Profile”, and then “Manage Profile”.
To add co-authors to a case report, select the “+ Add” button in the Authors section of the “Write Case Report” view. Type in the email address of the person whom you would like to add as a co-author to your report, then select “Send Invitation”. This person must have a CARE-writer account in order to accept the email invitation; if they do not, they will be prompted to sign up. Anyone you add as a co-author will be able to view and edit your case report.
To change the order in which the authors will appear in the report, select the handle to the left of the author’s name and then drag and drop the authors into any order. Remove co-authors by selecting the trash can icon next to their name.
To change the corresponding author, hover your cursor over the corresponding author section (between References and Author Affiliations), select the three dots icon to the left, then select “Change”. Finally, select the author you wish to designate from the dropdown list that appears.
To change author affiliations, each author must update their own affiliations within their user profile. To do so, select the person icon in the upper right, then select “My Profile”. Next, under “My Affiliations”, select “Manage Affiliations”. From here, you can add a new affiliation by selecting the “+Add” button. Enter the name of the institution or clinic with which you are affiliated in the first field and the position held or a description in the second field. Select “Save New Affiliation” when you are finished, or select “Cancel” to discard the affiliation. Select the minus icon to remove an affiliation.