Version history

CARE-writer allows you to save versions of your case report. This way, co-authors can see what updates have been made by their collaborators and can restore the case report to a previous version if needed. To access version history, navigate to your case report and select the clock icon in the upper right corner of your screen. If you select “Save current version”, you’ll then be prompted to name the version. Confirm by selecting “Save”. Then, select the clock icon again and select “See version history”. The current version appears on top of the right-hand column, while saved versions are displayed below. From here, you can use the blue button on the top of the screen to name the current version, which serves the same function as saving a version from the version history menu. 

You can select a named version and see what changes were made in that version (additions are highlighted in green, while deletions are displayed as red strikethrough). The name of the author who saved the version is displayed below the name and date (which becomes relevant if your report has multiple authors). When an older version is selected, you can use the blue button at the top of the screen that says “Restore this version” to revert the case report to a previous draft. 

Use the left-pointing arrow at the top left of the screen to return to editing or previewing your case report.

Please note that only the title, keywords, and text sections of your case report are saved in the version history (diagnostics, visit summaries, authors, and attachments are not saved).